Electric Catfish Facts: What is an Electric Catfish?

Electric Catfish Facts: What is an Electric Catfish?
Electric Catfish Facts: What is an Electric Catfish?

What is an Electric Catfish?

The Malapteruridae, or electric catfish, is a large fish family with over 21 species of fish in it. These fish are known for their ability to produce a shock that will harm anyone that touches them. They are a fascinating family of fish.


This catfish calls the tropical portion of Africa home. They are plentiful in the Nile River, and natives are aware of the dangers associated with touching these fish. It should be noted that, as of the date of this article, there are no known deaths caused by these shocks.

Now, this fish can be found throughout the world in murky, freshwater rivers and lakes. They prefer waters with low visibility due to their nocturnal instincts.


There intimidating electrical charge is not only used for defense, but it is also used to attack prey so that they are easier to eat. Many of these fish prefer to be carnivores, and they use their abilities to incapacitate fish they would like to eat so that they can eat them quickly, and without having to chase them down.

Although this is standard for many species in this family, there are some that prefer to be bottom feeders. Electric catfish that do not have meat readily available or prefer the bottom of the river can be found munching on fish eggs, plants and other vegetation found along the bottom and walls of the riverbank.

Average Lifespan

Members of the Malapteruridae family are known to live approximately 10 years in captivity. In nature, they are expected to live a few years less due to environmental conditions, predators and other factors that fish do not encounter in captivity.

Economical Importance

Electric catfish might sound intimidating, but there are plenty of fishermen that seek out this type of fish to enjoy a delicious dinner of smoked meat. This is considered a luxurious dish in some African villages.

They also have an exotic appeal to them, making them a popular fish for exotic fish owners. They are not as popular as other, tamer, families, but they have definitely found a home in the pet trade.

Cool Facts

This fish is known for the voltage it can produce at a moment notice, but there are plenty of other cool things about this family of fish.

Built-in radar. This fish uses its electric impulses as a built-in radar in addition to producing electricity. Because of this, they can clearly see all their surroundings no matter how low the visibility of the water around them is.

Electric eel might be a catfish. Several people have studied the eel and believe that the characteristics of the electric eel are actually those of a catfish.

Free electricity. There are YouTube videos available that show audiences just how powerful those shocks are. The electricity from one of these fish can easily turn on a lightbulb.

Electric catfish are known for their ability to shock unsuspecting fishermen, but they are also delicious to eat and cool to own.


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