Pictus Catfish Facts: What is a Pictus Catfish?

Pictus Catfish Facts: What is a Pictus Catfish?
Pictus Catfish Facts: What is a Pictus Catfish?

What is a Pictus Catfish?

The Pictus catfish remains the most beautiful member of this family. It is often found in the Amazon in nature but has made its way throughout the globe as it’s popularity as a household pet has risen. Now, they are one of the most common tropical fish found in household aquariums. These fish are as interesting as they are beautiful.

Size and Life Span

This is a smaller species of fish. Most of them will only grow to be approximately six inches long, although this size can vary. Even though they are small, these tropical fish will live a long life of 6-8 years when they are kept in the appropriate environment.


Despite a common belief that this species of fish is aggressive by nature, these can be very calm. Often, they will attack other fish for food. If a fish or living thing is too large for them to consume, they will rarely waste their energy attempting to kill it.

Reproducing/ Babies

Most beginners cannot tell the female Pictus catfish from the male one. Experienced breeders know that females tend to swell when they are ready to breed. Those that have yet to learn this often purchase a school of fish and put them in a tank together. The odds are usually good that at least one female will be in the group.

Pictus catfish lay eggs just like other fish do. Once the eggs are laid and hatch, the parent fish do not provide further care to their young. Instead, they are already ready to fend for themselves.


These pets will eat a wide range of food. They are commonly fed vegetables, smaller fish, and prepared fish food. Examples of common food that is fed to this pet include:

  • Neon tetra
  • Fish food pellets
  • Smaller fish
  • Snails
  • Algae
  • Brine shrimp

Pictus catfish are known for having an extremely large appetite. These fish will eat whatever they can find in the tank. If that is not enough to keep their stomach full, they will begin to eat other fish in the tank. Most pet owners strive to keep plenty of sinking pellets available on the bottom of the tank to ensure that they do not eat their tank mates. Sinking pellets can be prepared fish food or vegetable pellets. They enjoy both varieties.

Aquarium Set-Up

The aquarium should be set up a certain way to guarantee that fish are comfortable in their new home. These tropical fish enjoy hiding during the day. They can be found nestled in between aquarium plants or ducking into small caves placed on the bottom of the fish tank.

When they are not ducking in between plants or under caves, these fish like to keep active. Give them plenty of room to grow and swim with a tank that is at least 40 gallons. Fish will be happier and healthier with a tank that is the appropriate size for their breed.

Lighting might be fun for fish lovers, but these tropical fish prefer a dimly lit or dark area. They attack their prey by hiding in the dark, which makes them uncomfortable in a brightly lit aquarium. Opt for an aquarium with as little lighting as possible to enjoy the breath-taking appearance of them swimming while still allowing them to feel comfortable.

Fish lovers that enjoy a mesmerizing, fascinating tropical fish will love this breed. Pictus catfish are known for their beauty but make the memory of everyone they encounter with their adorable temperament and unique characteristics.


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