How to Fish for Catfish in a Lake: Beginner Tips

How to Fish for Catfish in a Lake
How to Fish for Catfish in a Lake

Everyone knows that catfishing requires a certain amount of knowledge and experience, especially when learning how to fish for catfish in a lake. Learning how to fish for catfish in a lake is significantly different than learning how to fish for catfish in a stream or a larger body of water, such as the ocean. These beginner tips are the perfect place to start on your quest of learning how to fish for catfish in a lake.

How to Fish for Catfish in a Lake

Bait Doesn’t Change

When learning how to fish for catfish in a lake, anglers will come across a wealth of advice regarding bait. It’s important to note that bait does not change if the location changes. If you are used to fishing for fish in a river, you can use the same tried and true bait that you have stuck with for years in a lake. It may change if the species of catfish changes, but location does not matter.

Catfish Like to Hide

When finding the perfect spot to cast your bait, remember that catfish like to hide. If there is a bridge or other structure in the lake, this is a pretty safe bet for finding catfish. If there is not, look for areas with heavy brush or thick logs that will provide catfish with the perfect amount of shelter.

Anglers that are searching for catfish in a lake that does not have shelter will find catfish in catfish holes along the bottom of the lake. Using a sonar can help anglers find catfish holes so that they know where to dangle their bait.

Utilize Fishing Apps

As technology has continued to advance, so has the way that anglers are finding fish. There are plenty of fishing apps available that can take the place of guesswork and sonar devices. For example, many modern anglers use an app called Fishidy. This app offers information on different species to help you make sure that you are using the right bait, can tell you about underwater structures where fish might be hiding, and it can be used to find fishing hotspots. Other apps offer equally useful information.

Don’t Scare the Fish Away with the Boat

Most people that intend to spend the afternoon out on a large lake are eager to enjoy their new boat. It’s important that anglers do not scare away fish with their cool new toy. Turn off the lights, especially at night time to ensure that the fish do not run away from the lights. Also, keep the motor off once you are in position. The heavier current that it will cause and the additional noise can send catfish running in the other direction.

The key to catfishing with a boat on a lake is to remain still once in place so the fish are not aware of your presence. Loud noises and bright lights are a dead give away.

Learn About Species in the Area

Before heading off to the lake, it’s important to do your homework about the area. Often, an angler will be able to determine what species of fish are in the lake, what type of bait to use and where to fish at before ever heading to the lake. Anglers that take their catfish harvest seriously are encouraged to do their homework before casting their line.

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