Important Tips for Catfishing In The Raining

Catfishing In The Raining
Catfishing In The Raining

You can go catfishing all through the year and still land a large number of fish; the season of rains is no exception. In this post, I will be writing about catfishing tips in the rain and how you can have a wonderful experience every time.

Catfishing In The Raining

Many anglers can confirm they have caught their biggest catfish during or after heavy rainfall. This general opinion is an indication that you should try catfishing in the rain as well. You may just become one of the lucky anglers to land adult catfish which have grown to an enviable size.

Catfish are attracted to the river banks and other parts during the rain for different reasons. What matters is that you are in the right place and have the best lures to attract and catch the fish when they come close. Catfish have a strong sense of smell; this is possible with their large and long barbells. They are also sight feeders with very good eyesight. These are some of the reasons catfish can live and hide in murky waters without being detected.

Here are some of the reasons you should go catfishing during or after it rains.

It is a good time for catfish to feed

The rains can generate currents in the rivers or lakes that wash different types of catfish food and make them easily accessible. For example, the rains expose more snails and other living organisms such as worms and insects. Catfish come looking for these organisms during the rain to feed; this is when you catch them.

The smaller organisms exposed by the rains also attract smaller fish that are interested in feeding. These smaller fish are food for the catfish, so they also come in large numbers to feed.

The river bed become murky when it rains

Catfish can find more food when it rains because living organisms and insects washed into the river cannot escape when they sink to the depths because the river bed becomes murky.

Water temperature

The temperature of the water when it rains becomes much cooler. If it rains after a period of intense heat from the sun, catfish can become more active when it rains. The cooler water makes it more convenient for the fish to hunt for food; the increased activities of the catfish cause them to become exposed and easier to catch.

Where do catfish go when it rains?

The catfish follow the food when it rains. Your best chance of catching catfish when it rains is setting up your gear at the entrance of creeks from larger rivers or the ocean. This is a channel that the catfish pass when heading to the shallow parts of the creek in search of food.

Depending on the location, you may need longer fishing lines to cover more areas when catfishing during the rain. Also, if you can find narrow parts of the channel leading into the creeks, the chances of landing more catfish are higher. In these positions, your lures will be more visible to the fish and easier to bite.

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