Catfish Lake Fishing: Useful Tips To Catch Catfish in Lakes

Catfish Lake Fishing: Useful Tips To Catch Catfish in Lakes
Catfish Lake Fishing: Useful Tips To Catch Catfish in Lakes

Catfish Lake Fishing

Catfish are found in lakes all over the world, but a person can spend one afternoon after another one on a boat without getting so much as a nibble if they are not familiar with lake catfishing. Beginners to fishing in these bodies of water are encouraged to learn more about the methods used during this specific type of fishing to help them bring home the big ones.

Know the Fish

There are hundreds of species of catfish, and only some of those are known to hang out in lakes. Common species that are found in these include:

  • Channel
  • Blue
  • Flathead
  • Bullhead

It is important to browse through our blogs to learn more about these species, such as fishing tips and what to use for bait to lure these fish out form hiding.

Pay Attention to the Depth of the Water

Knowing how deep the water is will help you determine where to fish. Bigger fish are known for enjoying deeper waters, but they also move to areas with less depth when they are hungry. This means that fishing for them in deeper waters might not bring you the results you think it will. Instead, go for the fish in shallow waters. They are more likely to bite the hook because they are already searching for food and hungry.

The Bottom is Always a Good Idea

Catfish like to burrow into the bottom of a body of water that has a sandy bottom. Often, they will sit in their little hole and watch for food to pass by before they will come out of hiding and head over to shallow waters. If you’re not having any luck in the edges of the lake, try the bottom. There are always some burrowed in the sand that will appreciate some live bait being delivered to their doorstep.

Temperature and Season

The temperature, which is often determined by the season, will help fishermen determine where to go fishing as well. Catfish, especially those listed above, prefer waters that are approximately seventy degrees. During the winter, they will slowly move to shallow waters where the sun heats them up to the perfect temperature. During the summer, the sun is blazing hot and is often too hot for these fish. Because of this, they will move into deeper waters where the water is a little bit cooler.

Catfish Holes

Investing in some gear that will help you find catfish holes is a great idea for those that are lake fishing. These work like sonar on a boat, but they are designed for fishing with a pole. When a person casts their line, they take in the depth of the lake so that you can easily tell where their holes are. This can help you catch them because you will know where to cast the line to have the bait in the perfect spot. Most people that pick up one of these enjoy being able to catch these fish easier.

Every form of catfishing is different from the rest of them. What works when fishing from a boat is different than fishing lakeside. Likewise, catfishing lake style will require different tactics than fishing in a small stream. Use these tips to make the most of your next night on the lake.


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