Can Catfish Swim Backwards and Walk on Land?

Can Catfish Swim Backwards and Walk on Land?
Can Catfish Swim Backwards and Walk on Land?

Using the terms swim backward and walking on land may depict something different to readers, it is important to note that the movements are similar to the terms used in describing them.

Can Catfish Swim Backwards and Walk on Land?

In this post, I will be examining the common idea that some catfish species can swim backward and walk on land. We will be discussing the movements and how they happen.

Catfish swimming directions

Regarding the ability of catfish to swim backward, many fish species we know to swim in a horizontal direction, mostly in the same flow with the river or lake. However, some catfish species and other fish are known to have the ability to move backward in the water; this is commonly called swimming.

This motion happens in water; it can be observed clearly in a transparent fish tank, the catfish angles its body in a vertical position and swims in the water. However, many others have described this position as gliding with the current.

In catfish farms, another common occurrence has increased the suspicion that catfish can swim backward. This is observed when they come to the surface of the water. The catfish are observed to come up with their heads first, and they maintain this position in the water moving back and forth.

This can hardly be described as swimming because there are hundreds of catfish handing out their heads at the water surface in anticipation of food. Instead, we can say, the catfish has a unique ability to remain vertically suspended in the water for a long time.

Can catfish walk on land?

The idea about catfish being able to walk on land was thought up when it was observed that catfish could wiggle its way from one pond to another. The movement can hardly be described as walking; it is only made possible because the catfish has two strong pectoral fins just behind its head. The adult catfish have fully matured pectoral fins which can be used to wiggle its way forward or sideways.

If you watch closely, it can be seen that this so-called walking on land is only possible when the surrounding areas are very wet. The moisture gives the catfish leverage to move faster across land. It can also be observed that it is a very strenuous exercise for the catfish and difficult, catfish can only wiggle on wet land for a few minutes.

I will like to describe it as an instinct to survive when the fish has been taken away from its natural habitat. There are, however, some rare catfish species rumored to stay out of water for many days. I suspect that if this is possible, the fish can only survive if its environment is moist.

In conclusion, catfish swim vertically, and this motion seems to give the impression that they swim backward, which is not always the case. Regarding walking on land, catfish can wiggle around on wet surfaces and muddy areas in search of its natural habitat.

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