What Catfish Are Suitable For Aquariums?

What Catfish Are Suitable For Aquariums?
What Catfish Are Suitable For Aquariums?

Aquarium Catfish

Small, freshwater catfish can make an aquarium pop with color, provide more visual appeal for owners and have quickly become an aquarium staple. These fish are known for not growing large, and for being easy to care for. Aquarium catfish are perfect for both novices and those that consider themselves an aquarium expert.

Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras catfish are well known for their small stature and beautiful appearance. Common species that are found among hobbyists include:

  • Bronze Corydoras Catfish
  • Panda Corydoras Catfish
  • Spotted Corydoras Catfish
  • Skunk Corydoras Catfish
  • Bandit Corydoras Catfish

These fish are popular among beginners because of their small size and gentle nature. They will never attack another fish for the heck of it and will be perfectly happy in a smaller tank. Corydoras prefer to be kept in schools of at least four fish. A single Corydora will get lonely and stressed, which can result in health problems.

Glass Catfish

Their transparent appearance has made them a must-have for aquariums. Being able to see through the skin on this low light species will provide instant entertainment for those fascinated by fish. Aquarium owners that do not want to change the lighting in their tank are encouraged to keep plenty of plants and caves for these species to hide in when the light bothers them. Like other aquarium catfish, glass catfish are happiest in schools of at least four fish.

Bumblebee Catfish

The Bumblebee Catfish is named after it’s a gorgeous black and yellow markings. Often, these fish are found in primarily black color with yellow stripes. Similar to other aquarium catfish, they will stay on the bottom of the tank, are nocturnal and like to be kept in a group. It is important to note that these fish will eat smaller fish, so they should only be kept in schools and community tanks with fish that are similar in size. Adults often only grow to a few inches in length, so a 30-gallon tank will be perfect for them.

Asian Stone Catfish

This aquarium catfish has a wider body that resembles an airplane and a unique camouflage color that sets it apart from other fish. It is also one of the smallest species kept by aquarists at only 1.5 inches in length. Asian Stone catfish do not bother other tankmates and are not bothered by them. They tend to spend most of their time burrowing into the sandy bottom of the tank or hiding among driftwood, plants and in caves. Because they are accustomed to being prey, they make sure that they are well hidden. Provide them with plenty of coverage so that they feel safe and happy in their environment.

Other Aquarium Catfish

The catfish mentioned above are winning the aquarium catfish popularity contest, but there are plenty of species that maintain a small size and are found in aquariums across the world. Check these fish out for something different:

Aquarium catfish are a popular choice for beginners because they are small and easy to care for, but it is important to learn how to properly care for these fish so that they can live a long, happy life.


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